Rowena Mabbott

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Even if you don’t know it, you’re a role model

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When we are busy going about our lives, we can forget that others are watching what we are doing.  It could be our children, our partner, friends, or peers - we may not be aware, but they notice what our behaviour and actions.

When we are aware that other people look up to us, or are watching us, it adds a new level of importance to the decisions and actions we take.

Over the last few months I’ve had frequent reminders that when we are our true and authentic selves, others are drawn to us.  

As I’ve been sharing for many months now, I’ve been aiming to be more intentional with my time, energy, and focus within my business, career, and life, and utilising my strengths to do that.  As a result, I am attracting clients who want to do similar.

In this way, the universe has been gently letting me know that I am on the right path. And reminding me that by being honest with my experiences and showing up as me, I am being a role model for others.

You are a role model, even when you don't know it

A big part of my realisation was that even when we feel like we don't 100% know what we are doing, or we feel we are still finding our own way (umm, yes, me!), others might be looking up to us. Indeed, our journey, our truth, and our learning may be just what someone else needs to hear or see.  

Even when we do not feel at all like a role model.

Even if you aren’t aware of it, by simply being YOU, you could be helping someone else.

Benefits of knowing you are a role model

I was discussing this idea with a client, who is a proud multi-passionate entrepreneur. She shared that part of her identity now is acknowledging she is a role model for other mothers who are multi-passionate entrepreneurs. Many others look up to her within the various communities within which she works, and she takes their trust seriously.

Eighteen months ago when we first started working together, being a role model was not on her radar. But with events since then, and decisions she has made within her business, life, and family, she has realised others look to her as a guide.

Now, having people consider you as a role model could be construed as an additional form of pressure.

However, as my client shared, there are many benefits, including;

  1. Being considered a role model has been an enormous confidence boost. She feels more able to be herself. No longer filled with self-doubt, nor second-guessing her decisions.

  2. She is embracing being her true self including more overtly utilising her strengths in all aspects of her business and life, and aware that in doing so she is giving others permission to do the same. 

  3. Being a role model also acts as a filter, or guidance system, for making decisions in her business, family, and life. Knowing others are explicitly watching and learning from her, has resulted in more intentional decision-making, and more deliberate choices to move towards the business, career, and life she desires.

In essence, being a role model for others has supported her to become more intentional in how she uses her time, focus, and energy. For her being a role model is a great motivator and inspiration to continue on her journey of intentional living.

How to Kickstart showing up as yourself and becoming your own role model

Key questions for you

  • Do you turn up as YOU in the world?

  • The real you?

  • The genuine, 100% authentic you?

  • The warts and all you?

  • Or are there only certain people who get to see the real you, and rest of the time you're hiding behind a mask?

  • When you share with your family, friends, and community, are you open and honest about how you are feeling?

Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen. – Brene Brown

Being you = courageous + powerful

It can take a lot of courage to turn up as the real you, warts and all. It's scary and can be more than a little uncomfortable. It can require a good pep talk before we feel able to truly be ourselves all the time and not fear judgment as a result.

But this year, and particularly these last few months have taught me that being our real selves is supremely powerful - for ourselves and for others.  When we show up as our real selves, we subtly give permission to those around us to show up as their real selves too.

Be You

Who is the real you?  The one who the kids see, or maybe the you that your partner sees?  Or perhaps, it's the version of you that only your best and oldest friend sees?   That one - the open-hearted, relaxed, and perhaps a little quirky YOU.

We are all human, we all have our foibles and failings. But when we turn up as ourselves, our true, authentic, genuine selves, we are powerful.  When we embrace being ourselves, we are luminous. We are role models.


Are you ready to embrace being you?

If you would like to step into being you and live your life with more clarity, intention, and greater confidence, but aren't sure where to begin, I can help!  Simply book your complimentary consult and together we can identify what the next steps look like for you.