Rowena Mabbott

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Word Love; the joy of a well-chosen quote

The love of words, and particularly the love of a good quote has been with me nearly all my life.  Ever since I was a young girl, words and their meanings engaged my attention. It was as a teenager that quotes really started to resonate with me, and I started actively seeking out, reading, writing, and noting down the pithy little statements!  Some quotes were amusing, some profound, some were particularly apt at the time, and some I just loved for no reason I could articulate – I just did.

At different times of my life, inspirational, motivational, or philosophical quotes have brought me great comfort.  I have found words to be friends in times when I needed a pick up (such as after a change in circumstance or after a particularly challenging day); solace in times when I have felt sad or full of grief (such as after the loss of our son), and motivating when I have needed to have a proverbial kick in the you-know-what (such as starting a new career or needing to get a major project completed).

Favourite Quote - words to live by

Recently I was asked for my favourite quote.  The additional part of the question was, 'what quote or words do you live by?"  Whilst I have loved quotes for most of my life and collected a huge variety on a myriad of topics, my current favourite quote is about joy.

"As you focus on the joy in life, the joy expands".

And why this quote?

Because it provides inspiration, motivation, and comfort.  Those are the three big categories that the very best quotes need to fulfill.

It inspires me to live life with a heart full of hope and seeking joy.

It motivates me and acts as a reminder to be alert to the joy in the little things every day.  And reminds me that when we focus on good things that bring us happiness and joy, we will naturally find there is more to be joyful for in our life.

Lastly, it brings me comfort for the days when I am feeling down, sorrowful, or when the grief sneaks up again and side-swipes me.  In times of sadness and grief, focussing on joy can be hard.

But the littlest things can bring a touch of joy; a smile from a stranger, a cup of tea, a beautiful flower.

Just one of these can warm our hearts with joy when we are feeling low.  This quote offers me a way forward - focus on the joy in your life, and those good feelings will grow.

Now that I've deeply thought about why I love this quote and explained it, I find I love it even more!


A well-chosen quote can be a great support during times of change and transition. But even better support can be gained from a coach.  I'd love to support you as you look to step into the joy in your life.

Click the button below to book a time for your complimentary consultation.  The consultation is a 'no-strings attached' chat where we determine if coaching is right for you.