What I Do

As a certified career and life coach, I work with women who have been climbing the corporate ladder and have reached a point where they realise that the effort required to continue climbing may not be worth it. The satisfaction and fulfilment from your role are different from what you’d hoped. You are looking for something else but feel dissatisfied with where you are for various reasons.

You might feel stuck or want more from your career and life. Whether you desire greater clarity in your career, more confidence in yourself, or support as you make changes in your career and life, you will feel clear, confident, and content with the strategic yet practical style of values-based, strengths-focused coaching I provide.

As an avid reader, I co-host the Two Booked Up Podcast, where my co-host, Shelley Tonkin Smith, and I discuss business and personal development books, adding our own experiences as business owners and mothers. 

As an author, I write contemporary fiction that explores the joy and complexities of romantic, filial, and platonic relationships. I also write a monthly coaching article.

The Coaching transformation you can expect;

  • Gain Clarity about yourself, your strengths, what matters to you, and what you want, and create your personal vision.

  • Simplify your career and life accordingly. This can include living with more intention, taking steps to simplify, removing anything unaligned with or supportive of your values or vision, and more.

  • Greater Confidence in your career and life is the result.


Work with me

I have programs at all price points and commitment levels.

Design your Season $

If you don’t have a lot of time but would like to experience greater clarity, confidence and simplicity, Design Your Season is for you. At the most simple, designing your season is about being intentional with how you use your time for the current three months. Or for any period of your choosing! It’s flexible - you can create plans, lists, goals, activities, or anything that feels good. After completing the Designing Your Season self-guided workshop and workbook, you will have a high-level strategic plan for making the most of a ‘season’.


Clarity Kickstart $$

Do you prefer to work together one-on-one? I’ve got you! If you’re ready to dive deep, embrace your strengths, or are trying to make a decision and want accountability to support you in moving into action, then Clarity Kickstart is for you! Clarity Kickstart is a fully customised, impactful individual (private) coaching offer, ideal for when you want traction and tangible results in a short time in one or two areas of your life.


Confidence Coaching Package $$$

A Confidence coaching package is a fully customised, tailor-made one-on-one coaching program that is ideal if you want to feel clear and confident in ALL areas of your life and career. Working together, we set inspiring goals for your life and career, which you’ll work toward during the 3 - 4 month program. Throughout, you have me by your side, keeping you in action, sharing my expertise, and cheering you on.


Why I do it


I know what it’s like to feel uncertain, unclear, confused, stuck, overwhelmed and lacking in confidence. I’ve been there multiple times in my career and life. It’s tough and feels never-ending when you’re in that place. I get it.

But I also know it IS possible to feel better, to gain the clarity and confidence you desire, and ultimately, to feel happier, to feel and be the best, most inspired version of yourself.

My top signature strength is love, which means that I’ve loved to help others and chose to do things in my career and life that allowed me to do that.

In my mid-20s, when I was working in Human Resources (which I chose because I thought it was about helping people!), I heard about life coaching and knew in my bones that this was the name for what I was really here to do. I wanted to coach others to be their best! 

Yet various people told me I needed to live more life to coach others.

Being the ‘good girl’ and lacking self-confidence, I put more faith in others’ views than my desires.

So, instead of following my heart, I parked that dream and continued working in my corporate career. I was on a set path: achieving promotions, earning a sizeable income, getting married, buying our first home, and starting a family.

Then, in 2008, our second son was stillborn. Whilst this loss does not define me, it has changed the course of my life.

Losing our longed-for child brought home to me just how short and precious life is. Through the pain and grief of child loss, I lost my confidence and questioned everything I had once valued. It became obvious that life is too precious to waste simply going through the motions and not following your dreams. 

So, I chose to be intentional about my life and how I live each day to honour him.

For me, the phrase ‘intentional life’ is a powerful reminder that we have choices—we can choose how we view the world and what we do.

Once I became intentional about HOW I wanted to live my life, I became clearer about WHAT I wanted to do. Taking those first actions lifted my self-confidence. And when I felt more confident, everything (and anything!) felt more manageable and more possible. 

With my renewed focus, I gained my Coaching Certification and, drawing on my existing qualifications and life experiences, actively embraced supporting others in achieving the clarity, simplicity, confidence, and deep sense of inner contentment that comes with living with intention.

Living with intention comes down to clarity, calm and confidence;

Clarity about your purpose and direction in both your career and life.

Confidence to do the things that bring you joy and that light you up.

This results in a deep inner Calm, the feeling that you are where you are meant to be, living a life you love. 

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When I commenced coaching with Rowena, I had just started a new, bigger role in my workplace. I was struggling with a lack of self-confidence and felt unable to trust that I could perform the role as effectively as the previous incumbent. These concerns were affecting me and I was very nervous and really worried about making mistakes.

After working with Rowena, I feel comfortable and confident. My improved confidence has affected both my career and personal life in positive ways. And my friends too have noticed I’m more confident than before!
— Yuni, HR & Business Operations Manager & Mother, Bali, Indonesia.


Are you tired of feeling like you're just going through the motions, uncertain and confused? If you're ready to feel clear and confident about what you want and how to get it, I'd love to work with you. Learn more about coaching with me here, or if you already know you’re keen, click through to book your appointment.



I am a Certified Life Coach through the Beautiful You Coaching Academy. I have a degree in Psychology and Business Law and spent nearly twenty years working as a Human Resources Professional in large corporations, not-for-profits, and as a consultant, with a focus on organisational, culture, and change management.

As a lifelong student of positive psychology, I use my signature strengths in everything I do and encourage others to do the same.

My core beliefs are:

  1. When you love your life and career and show up with love, you become more engaged, resulting in a more fulfilling life.

  2. You’re already whole and don’t need fixing to be successful. When you know your strengths and use them to your advantage, you can be paid to be you, not someone you think you need to be.

  3. Success requires internal and external factors, with personal growth and intention being more vital than material possessions.

  4. More isn’t always better.

My working philosophy is based on my values and beliefs and underpinned by the importance of trust. I believe this is the key to creating deep and lasting relationships. My signature strengths guide my coaching style, which means I’m approachable, accountable, and easy to be with.  I do what I say I will do.  I am a great listener, care deeply about my clients, and always protect the confidentiality of those I support. I am reliable and loyal.

I am passionate about making a difference in the world and use my twenty-five years of mentoring and coaching experience to support my clients create a life they love, and share my expertise on projects and programs within my community.



I live in Sydney’s Inner West with my husband, two gorgeous living sons and our Schnoodle, Rufus. I love writing (both fiction and non-fiction), travel (both the actual travel as well as the planning of it), music (I sing in a choir), theatre, reading and time in nature – especially if water is nearby.

I have a lifelong love of psychology and get excited about all things personal development. I can’t go past a book or article about minimalism, living, and embracing simplicity. My guilty pleasure is gazing at beautiful images of immaculate, minimalist homes from around the world and reading or watching rom-coms.

As part of embracing an intentional life, it’s often the simplest things that make me very happy. A fresh bunch of flowers, a sunny day, the feel of sand between my toes, a cup of hot herbal tea, a great meal shared with friends or family or a terrific, engrossing book are all small moments of intentional delight.  

Most of all, I confidently embrace my life choices and know that, as a result, I am living my best, most intentional, joy-filled life.

Keen to know more?

Check out my regular articles here.

If you enjoy reading a good book like me, listen here for great insights and practical applications!

Or, if you found me due to my writing, check out my books here.


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Professional Bio

Rowena Mabbott is a Career and Life Confidence Coach, podcast host, writer, author and mother.

As a Certified Career and Life Confidence Coach, Rowena believes that true success comes from embracing your unique strengths and showing up as your authentic self. With a deep commitment to helping women, Rowena empowers her clients to love their lives and careers by fostering a sense of fulfilment, purpose, and intention.

Rowena has a degree in Psychology and Business Law. Prior to becoming a Certified Life Coach, she spent nearly twenty years working as a Human Resources Professional in large corporations and not-for-profits and as an independent consultant, focusing on organisational development, employee engagement, and change management. Rowena has more than twenty-five years of mentoring and coaching experience.

Rowena’s debut novel, Avoiding the Friend Zone, is available now.

Rowena is based in Sydney, Australia, where she lives with her husband and two sons.


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