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Energising, reassuring and encouraging”

“When I came to Rowena I was struggling with my confidence, especially socially, and felt stuck and frustrated with my work situation.

After coaching with Rowena, I have been able to bring more of my personality to social situations especially amongst friends and family. I am much more relaxed in all aspects of my life and know how to find ‘me’ time. In my career I have conquered one of my biggest fears and I feel more at ease speaking with patients, clients and students in my work.

Coaching with Rowena was energising, reassuring and encouraging as she really helped me get out of my shell and comfort zone.

 And best of all, my friends and family have noticed how much more confident and easy I am within myself!”

Mark, Chiropractor, Teacher & Consultant, Sydney, Australia

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“I feel confident in myself and am able to trust my knowledge and skills.”

“When I came to Rowena I felt stuck. Stuck in my situation at work, and anxious about my future. I didn’t have confidence in what I was doing. 

Rowena is very empathetic and was able to see the overall picture that I may have lost, or wasn’t able to see.  She has some specific characteristics and abilities that make her an outstanding and patient life coach. 

After coaching with Rowena the biggest change is in my attitude and confidence in myself.  I feel confident in what I am doing and I am able to trust my own work, knowledge and skills. That reflects in my overall work and personal life. 

Rowena has the professional skills to help you achieve pretty much any of your life goals you may have struggled with so far.  Give it a try!  You won’t regret it! I was personally blown away and will very much miss the fortnightly calls with her.”

Christin, PR & Marketing Manager, Bali, Indonesia..


“I have regained hope and strength.”

"Working with Rowena was a transformative experience for me. When I came to coaching, I felt lost and had lost my sense of career direction.

With Rowena's guidance, I uncovered my strengths, gained clarity on my career path, and regained my confidence. Her nurturing approach, validation of my experiences, and empathy have empowered me to find my voice again and see the pathway for change. I have regained hope and strength.

My friends and family have noticed the positive change in me, and I am grateful to Rowena for giving me back my voice and showing me that change is good.”

— Silpi, Senior Data Engineer, Brisbane, Australia

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“A more confident view of my future”

“When I came to coaching, I was in a new role and situation, on a new continent with no close friends nearby. We all need people we trust in our lives, who have more experience and who we can discuss things with – Rowena was this person for me. 

After working with Rowena, my confidence grew, but not just for a given moment; it has a future perspective. Now, when things go wrong, I can embrace them and find the positive side. I have a more confident view of my future.”

Gloria, Global traveller and Fearless Marketing Enthusiast, Switzerland.


“Relaxed and empowered”

“When I came to coaching, I was struggling to find a balance between my professional career and family life. I was feeling mentally exhausted.

Rowena helped me to identify exactly what I need to feel happier: harmony where my successful family and professional life co-exist, without sacrificing one or another.  Consequently, I have stopped saying ‘you should…’ to myself and now appreciate self-care, finding time to slow down and unwind.

I felt instant connection with Rowena and felt relaxed and empowered during our sessions, which were open, honest and caring”.

- Elena, Change Management Practitioner, supportive wife & busy mother of two gorgeous kids, Sydney, Australia

“Greater confidence in my abilities”

When I came to Rowena, I wanted to feel more confident in my coaching abilities and have a pathway to obtain my first paying client. I felt something was missing and believed an experienced coach could help me get results quickly. I got so much more than I expected! 

After my coaching with Rowena, I have greater confidence in my abilities. I am clear on my strengths and values and can see how coaching will fit with my personal and family situation. 

Rowena was very generous with her knowledge and resources. She anticipated areas I had not really thought about and I found the insights valuable for my specific needs and growth as a coach.”

Renee, Life Coach & Mother, Brisbane, Australia.


“Clear about the way forward for my business and career”


“I came to Rowena feeling very uncertain about the direction in which I should take my own business and my career in general. I was unsure whether I should continue on my current career trajectory or make huge changes. I was also struggling with balancing my work, my family and time for myself.

My coaching resulted in three big changes. The first, learning to focus my career around my strengths — when I utilise my strengths, the work feels easy to me. The second, getting major clarity and perspective for my life and business, by using the positive psychology and reframing techniques that Rowena taught me. The other important change has been figuring out how I recharge, and then scheduling that in. The result is that I am more present and calm with my family.

I admit I was a little apprehensive when I first considered coaching, but I am so glad I took the plunge. Coaching with Rowena was a fantastic experience and I enjoyed her systematic approach that was also highly customised to my needs. Now I am using my strengths, I'm more intentional about my time, and I have a better balance of time for myself and my family. I learnt so much about myself and I feel really clear about the way forward for my business and career.”

- Garren, Freelance software developer & Father, Johannesburg, South Africa. RedCometLabs

“Inspiring, Connected, Supportive”


“I was struggling with how to be truly (and boldly) me, and how to be comfortable and confident in myself while creating a new business. 

After my first conversation with Rowena I felt so inspired about my future and excited to be doing something positive for myself. 

Rowena’s professionalism was inspiring, and she intuitively understood everything I felt and needed, often before I did myself.  She supported me to become boldly and confidently myself, and generously shared her experience and knowledge with me.

The biggest changes after coaching with Rowena is that I feel more confident, have less self-doubt, and am comfortable expressing my feelings and thoughts. Now I know, I can connect with people just by being myself!”

- Lisa, Mindset & Abundance Coach, Kyogle, Australia. Live.Life.Love.with Lisa

“My own personal cheerleader”

“When I came to Rowena I wasn’t happy with my career and was feeling stagnant and ‘stuck’.  I knew something needed to change.

Rowena was supportive, positive and enabling and working with her was like having my own personal cheerleader.

Since coaching with Rowena others have noticed that I’m more upbeat and optimistic.  I also feel more confident and self-aware. I’m more open with what I want and am comfortable asking for more.”

- Cathy, Analyst & Mother, Sydney, Australia.


“I’m taking action towards my dreams”

"I came to coaching facing some major life decisions, and feeling unsure about the next steps in my life. 

After coaching with Rowena, I am more confident in myself and in my capacity to handle challenges.  I better understand myself, and can now articulate what I want in my life. I’m more disciplined about taking action towards my dreams.”

— Andreea, Sales & Marketing Manager, Global Traveller, Bali, Indonesia

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“I am myself in all areas of my life - it’s empowering and feels great!”

“As a qualified coach myself, I enjoyed Rowena’s unique life and professional coaching blend which brought many benefits I hadn’t experienced before with professional coaching.

Her generosity blew me away, and really helped to make me feel supported ALL the time, helping me build momentum towards my goals.

After working with Rowena, the biggest change is a sense of being myself in all areas of my life – although the goal we worked on was to bring myself into one specific situation, I notice the impact in all areas of my work as well as in my personal life. It’s empowering and feels great!”

Justine, Senior Global HR Leader & Mother, Sydney, Australia.

“Appreciating my strengths”

“When I came to Rowena I was seeking guidance, confidence and clarity in my career and life. 

The coaching Rowena provided was thought-provoking, insightful, encouraging and positive; just what I needed.  I looked forward to our meetings and felt very grateful for the time, thoughts, and perspective that she provided.

I now feel at peace with the current moment, appreciate my strengths and have a plan that I am comfortable with to move forward.”

 — Belinda, Marketing Specialist, Preschool Administrator & Mother, Sydney, Australia.

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“I'm fulfilling my inner calling”

"When I came to Rowena, I was struggling with finding time for myself, feeling confused about my identity in new roles and lacking career clarity. After our coaching series, I am moving towards my legacy with intent and purpose.

The coaching sessions really put my life in perspective. The clarity I gained has given me a sense of purpose, not only in the short term but allowed me to align my life where I wanted to leave my legacy on earth. Now I am not afraid of dreaming big; I’m on my way to fulfilling my inner calling."

 — Mona, Business Development Specialist & Mother, Perth, Australia

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“Powerful, transformative and life-changing.”

“I came to Rowena wanting to do something meaningful with my life;  aligned to my true passion, gifts and talents and that would make this world a better place.

After working with Rowena, I have so much more strength and resilience. I am not afraid anymore. I experienced many powerful moments of discovery and healing. I am now certain I am where I am supposed to be and that my dreams will be brought to life.

Coaching with Rowena was powerful, transformative, life-changing and authentic. If you are seeking a phenomenal, compassionate, professional and intuitive coach, Rowena is the coach for you.”

— Katrina, Life Coach & Mother, Queensland, Australia.

“Greater clarity about my career options and have increased confidence in myself”

“Prior to my coaching experience, I felt scattered, unconfident, and unsure of how to move forward with the career I’d chosen. I was stuck and coaching put me in motion again.

Coaching with Rowena provided much-needed support, guidance, and accountability to consider new ideas and act. It was absolutely what I needed, and it was all done with such kindness. Without Rowena, I would have been in the same mental space that I had been in for the last 12 months. 

Now, I feel more knowledgeable about what I am capable of, have greater clarity about my career options and have increased confidence in myself.”

Bianca, Doctor, Sydney, Australia.


“I feel comfortable and confident in my career.”

“When I commenced coaching with Rowena, I had just started a new, bigger role in my workplace.  I was struggling with a lack of self-confidence and felt unable to trust that I could perform the role as effectively as the previous incumbent. These concerns were affecting me and I was very nervous and really worried about making mistakes.

After working with Rowena, I feel comfortable and confident. My improved confidence has affected both my career and personal life in positive ways. And my friends too have noticed I’m more confident than before!”

Yuni, HR & Business Operations Manager & Mother, Bali, Indonesia.

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“I'm a more confident communicator.”

"I came to coaching wanting to be more confident and true to myself.

After working with Rowena, friends and colleagues have noticed that I am more resilient and am a more efficient and confident communicator. My leadership skills have also improved.

The biggest change is my confidence. I now take on challenges with a more relaxed, curious and productive mindset and I am excited to get out of my comfort zone and address issues.

Finally, I love that because of the support and coaching, my inner voice tells me now, “You got this! Give your best and you’ll achieve what you want!"

Alexandrina, Senior Recruitment Co-ordinator & Life Adventurer, Bali, Indonesia.

“Intentionally using my strengths”

“It was so interesting to find out my signature strengths, but the real magic happened when Rowena helped me to harness the power of those strengths in my own business and as I homeschool my two boys.

Now I intentionally use my signature strengths of curiosity, perspective and creativity in just about everything I do - and I feel more fulfilled and happy because of it.”

Shelley, Copywriter, Business Owner & Mother, Johannesburg, South Africa. Shelley Smith Creative

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“Enlightening, affirming and confidence-building”

"After coaching with Rowena my confidence has increased and I now know I can make changes to my own career and life without sacrificing my own or my family’s happiness.

Rowena really gets to the heart of her clients’ various conundrums but also brings so much empathy for people, particularly those who have had significant grief impact their lives.

Working with Rowena was enlightening, affirming and confidence-building. If you are seeking a coach to help support you through a major transition or change, or just to help you feel happier and more confident, I would definitely recommend her."

Anna, High School Teacher & Mother, Nelson, New Zealand.


“I am happier, positive, and more confident about the future!”

Before working with Rowena, I was struggling with my confidence and anxious about my future career and role. 

I felt connected with Rowena since we first met. Together, we set up goals, actions and practice’s that helped me achieve my goals. 

Now I’m feeling calmer in both my work and personal life.  I am more confident in what I am doing and have the confidence to learn new things and improve my skills and abilities which will help my team and the company going forward.

After coaching with Rowena, I am happier, positive, and more confident about the future!”

Chalsie, Front Desk Champion, Bali, Indonesia.

“Knowing my strengths is a strategic tool in my business”

“Learning from Rowena about my Signature Strengths and how to harness (and manage) them has been a total game-changer.

Firstly, making me aware of my strengths - my skill and interest areas that come so naturally to me, that may not come so easily to others. Now I am able to feed my strengths when I need more energy, inspiration, a boost.

I’ve been able to tap into this new wisdom and start applying it straight away and feel like it’s just the tip of the iceberg of how useful this will be in my daily life, as well as a strategic tool in my business”.

Angela, Feldenkrais & Reiki Practitioner, Business Owner & Mother, Melbourne, Australia. A Life in Flow


“I am happier, more alive and energetic.”


“Rowena was a great coach; I found our sessions insightful and enjoyable, and she was always very supportive and encouraging.

After working with Rowena, I now allow myself time to indulge in things that make me feel good without guilt. This approach has made me happier, and has led to a more peaceful inner world and happier/healthier relationships. Work wise I have more energy and confidence in my approach.

My husband and friends notice that I am happier, more alive and energetic too after my coaching with Rowena.”

Emily, Professional Musician, Teacher & Mother, Sydney, Australia. Accent Strings

“Eye opening, inspiring and satisfying”

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“When I first met Rowena, I had so much pressure on myself to be perfect.  I was struggling with who I was in the workplace, how to manage the politics of organisations and how to communicate and live my values in organisations.

Now, I have a greater distinction between who I am as a person and what I do in my daily work. I have clarity regarding my strengths and where I can add value to an organisation, as well as techniques to reduce the stress and pressure of work situations. My personal learnings will be far more long lasting than just the coaching period.

Rowena has a unique ability to reframe situations with encouraging and supportive words and was very generous with her time.

Coaching with Rowena was eye opening, inspiring and satisfying”.

- Bronwyn, Conquering her Career, Sydney, Australia.

“Caring, goal-focused and professional”

“My coaching goals with Rowena shifted between the timing of our first connection and the subsequent coaching sessions. Instead of focusing on next steps with my career, we re-focused to goals related to self-care.

The biggest change has been to stop and focus on actions related to my health and well-being. Specifically, to recognise the role I play in my family and how important it is to invest in my own self-care. My children now see me taking more action to look after my wellbeing. 

Coaching with Rowena was caring, goal-focused and professional, and I now have greater knowledge about my strengths, how I can use these strengths and be aware of what it looks like when they are overplayed.”

Rochelle, HR Manager & Mother, Sydney, Australia.


“Affirming and life-changing”

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“Before I started coaching, my life was feeling out of control with no direction. I didn’t know who I was anymore, what I enjoyed or what brought me happiness. I knew change was needed, as floating along directionless would not provide a healthy home environment to raise well rounded, happy children.

Coaching with Rowena was affirming and life-changing.

Now, I have embarked on a journey of positive growth. I know I can change my perspective on things and rebalance life in a positive way. I have hope, where previously there was none. My relationships have improved, I enjoy spending time with my children and feel that I am more connected to myself and my children than before.”

— Sarah, Dive Instructor, Educator & Mother, Mauritius

“I feel confident and clear about how I serve my community”


“I wanted to create a business model/structure that better suited my life. I was feeling a little unsure of my bigger picture and I was seeking clarity around that.

The three goals that Rowena helped me set were GOLD for me; they kept me focussed but in a broad enough way for it not to feel like an overwhelming to-do list.

After completing a coaching series with Rowena, I’m more confident about my business and clearer about the way I can serve my community of female entrepreneurs. I am clearer on my priorities and more intentional in my business and life.

My family have also said that I am a much nicer person to be around, a more supportive wife, and a calmer and more present mom.”

— Shelley, Business Owner + Homeschooling Mother, South Africa

“Owning my unique value”

“Discovering and understanding my signature strengths has helped me to see what unique values I can bring to my clients and/or my employers.

My top signature strength is Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence, and now it makes sense that I see solutions to problems way ahead of other people in my team or family. Because everyone has different strengths, I am learning to slow down and let everyone else process information before jumping to suggestions or resolutions.

As a result, I feel less frustrated and more calm.”

 — Elena, Project/Change Manager & Mother, Sydney, Australia. Your Home Harmony



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