What I've been reading - April 2024

The best authors are those who read extensively. Here is what I’ve been reading lately.

If you're interested in learning more about the non-fiction books I've read and the insights gained from them, be sure to listen to the Two Booked Up podcast.

April was a busy month, with a lot happening in my personal life. As a result, I didn’t read as much as in previous months, but I still read some terrific fiction and thought-provoking non-fiction this past month.

The majority of these books were borrowed from my local library. If you have access to a local library, it is a brilliant resource for electronic, audio, and print books.


Fiction Reads

Women of Good Fortune by Sophie wan

Women of Good Fortune by Sophie Wan

The premise of Women of Good Fortune hooked me immediately—three women with a plan to pull off a wedding heist in Shanghai. But I was surprised how much I was rooting for Lulu, Rina, and Jane as their stories intertwined throughout the book. I enjoyed the insights about current-day life for women in China and the disparity between those with lots of money and the rest. Plus, the plot twists were delivered with style and finesse.


A Death in Diamonds by S.J. Bennett

A Death in Diamonds by S.J. Bennett

This is the fourth book in the Her Majesty The Queen Investigates mystery series. I’ve read all the earlier books and enjoyed them immensely. SJ Bennett captures HRM beautifully, so much so that it feels believable that she really does investigate murders! Set in 1957, the HRM is a young working mother surrounded by ‘the men in moustaches’ who don’t tell her what’s going on. I’d been waiting months to read this, saving it for when we were on a family holiday, and it didn’t disappoint! A witty murder mystery with delightful descriptions of the era.


Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle

Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle

I had heard a lot about this book and thought the premise was intriguing. Ever since Daphne, the main character, was a young girl, each time she meets a potential new man (date), she receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on it - the exact amount of time they will be together. But then she meets a man, and the slip just has his name. Naturally, she wonders if this man is IT. Her forever man. The book unfolds from there. A fun idea for a romance book, but not as compelling as I had hoped.


Going Rogue by Janet Evanovich

Going Rogue: Rise and Shine Twenty-Nine by Janet Evanovich

Another murder mystery from a series I’ve enjoyed for many years, and another one saved for holiday reading! About twenty years ago, my new sister-in-law suggested I’d enjoy the Stephanie Plum bounty hunter series, and she was spot on. I’ve read all of them in order but had fallen behind a little, so some catching up was required. As with any enjoyable series, reading this book was like slipping back into conversation with good friends; it was easy, fun, and immediately entertaining.


The Paris Model by Alexandra Joel

The Paris Model by Alexandra Joel

I chose this book initially because one of the prompts in the reading challenges I am doing this year was to read a book set in Paris. Once I started, though, I was fascinated to learn that the book was inspired by an astonishing true story! For added fun, it’s full of glamour, family secrets and heartbreak that takes the lead character, Grace, from the rolling plains of country Australia to the elegant salons of Paris as a mannequin for Christian Dior in 1949. With added name-dropping, espionage and exact dates for events, it was a compelling read!


Non-Fiction Reads

Come As You Are: Revised and Updated by Emily Nagoksi

I have wanted to read this book for a few years after listening to Burnout, also written by Emily Nagoski, with her sister Amelia. Based on how much I enjoyed that, I knew I’d enjoy listening to this as Emily reads it herself. Despite the cover illustration and the title, this book is entirely accessible and informative and reminds us that it’s not how our parts are arranged; it’s how we feel about them that matters. I will listen to this book again, as there is so much content that a single read will not suffice. I highly recommend it for all women of all ages!


Feel Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal

I chose this book because on the Two Booked Up podcast ‘Read More in ‘24 Reading Challenge list, we have ‘a productivity theme’ as a prompt. According to Ali Abdaal, the secret to productivity isn't discipline; it's joy. That’s an idea I can support! Drawing on decades of psychological research, Ali shares that the secret to productivity and success isn't grind—it's feeling good. Tune in to episode 45 (published 14 May) of the Two Booked Up podcast to hear more insights.


Home Is Where You Make It by Geneva Vanderzeil

Home Is Where You Make It by Geneva Vanderzeil

I was flipping through an old magazine, and saw this book was recommended. I’d been wanting an easy, fun read that included some creative projects, and this book delivered! Home Is Where You Make It is beautifully presented and provides a room-by-room guide to making and DIYing, with clever styling hacks, repurposing and styling ideas. Lots of fun, and perfect to browse/read for inspiration.


The Power of Content by Mel Daniels

The Power of Content: A simple framework to achieve content clarity and confidence by Mel Daniels

My good friend and fellow business owner Mel Daniels wrote this book, so of course I wanted to read it! The book shares her Content Effect Framework, which is an empowering guide to creating content authentically and in alignment with your strengths. She shares how you can ditch the ‘shoulds’ that are constantly thrown at us by ‘experts’ and, instead, make content creation easy (and perhaps even enjoyable)!


What have you been reading lately? Do you have a recommendation for a book you read and loved?

*Please note that while I enjoy supporting local bookstores and libraries, I also recognise and appreciate the convenience of purchasing books online. This post includes affiliate links, and I may earn a small commission if you decide to purchase using one of these links.


Rowena Mabbott

Rowena Mabbott is a Career and Life Confidence Coach, podcast host, writer, and author.

She is also the mother of three boys—two living and one angel. The loss of her son inspired her to follow her heart and leave her corporate HR role to become a coach working with women. She believes that you are already whole and don’t need fixing. After working with Rowena, you’ll embrace your unique strengths and step into your authentic self, creating a life filled with purpose and intention.

Her clients emerge with crystal-clear goals, the confidence to pursue their dreams, and the tools to transform their lives.

Rowena writes a monthly coaching article and contemporary fiction that explores the joy and complexities of romantic, filial, and platonic relationships.