Benefits of a mid-year review


This time of year is review season in the corporate world, and for many of us, even if we are not part of the corporate world, it's timely to consider a mid-year review of our own too. If like me, you feel the year has been slipping past because you've been so busy, it might be time to pause and reflect.  This time of year is an ideal time to do this.  With the first six months of the year behind us, now is a good time to look back on the goals we set for the year and to consider how we are progressing towards them.

Questions for a quick review

I find a quick check-in is very helpful to ensure I keep on track with the aims I have either for the season ('designing my season', as I have shared previously), the bucket list items I wanted to achieve this year and / or my big goals for the year.

Personally, I like to keep it simple and reflect with just a few key questions.

Here are some questions to guide you if you wish to undertake a quick mid-review.

  • What are the great things I've achieved in the first 6 months of this year?

  • How am I feeling about my goals overall?

  • Do my goals still feel aligned and appropriate for me, given where I am now?

  • What have I learned about myself or about others?

  • Do I need to adjust or change my goals for the rest of the year, based on either how I'm feeling, progress or not, and/or other factors?

I find a reflection exercise like this only requires 15 minutes, which makes finding time to do it pretty easy.  And afterwards, I feel a renewed sense of purpose, and sometimes, reason to celebrate, both of which are rather nice!

Questions for a more in-depth review

However, if you have a little more time and are inclined to undertake a more detailed review, you could consider dividing your process into 'completed' and 'still to do' (or 'looking back' and 'looking forward').   The terms used aren't particularly important; just use the terms that feel most appropriate and comfortable for you.

Completed / Looking Back

  • What are ALL the great things I accomplished over the past six months?

  • What goals did I achieve?

  • Of what am I most proud?

  • Are there any goals where I really haven't made any progress?

  • What have I learned about myself?

  • Have I made any mistakes?

  • What have I learned from them?

  • Have I been focusing my time on the most important things in my life (e.g. loved ones, working in line with my purpose and passion, utilising my strengths)?

  • Can I identify any significant “time-wasting” in the form of habits, activities or tasks that I need to review or eliminate from my life?

Still to do / Looking Forward

  • If I could only focus on three things/goals for the remainder of the year, what would they be?

  • Why are those particular things/goals important to me?

  • Do I need to adjust or adopt any habits in order to make this happen?

  • Are there relationships I would like to strengthen and develop during the second half of the year?

  • Do I have the strengths and skills I need in order to make these goals happen?

  • Do I need to develop new skills or strengthen current talents?

  • Do I need to consider and adjust where and how I spend my time?

This in-depth review process requires more deep reflection and will take a longer period of time than the quick process.  You may find 30 minutes is all that is needed, or you might prefer to set aside half a day.

Either way, once you have completed a mid-year review you will obtain a clearer understanding of where you've been and where you are heading.  With greater clarity should come renewed focus and action.

After all, that's one the main reasons a mid-year review is so valuable; to ensure we are taking actions aligned with what we desire from life.

Now is the right time

Taking the time to complete a mid-year review, whether it's quick or in-depth is incredibly beneficial. It's the opportunity to check-in with our goals, and ensure we are on track, aligned with our purpose and spending our time either with people or doing activities (or both!) that light us up.

Now is the best time to do this - after all, it's only half way through the year so there is still plenty of time to change direction if you are not on the right path to achieve your dreams and goals.

Here's to you (and me!) taking specific and inspired action towards our goals in this second half of the year.


Needing support to achieve your goals and dreams this year?

Wanting to share your goals, and have someone help by holding you accountable for achieving them?

I love to support people as they identify, work towards and make their dreams happen - and I'd love to help you!  Book in for your complimentary consult (button below) and we can chat about how we can work together.