How to Flourish; Tips for Your Career and Life

Over recent years there has been considerable discussion about flourishing and what it means for people to flourish, in life and in their careers. It’s always useful to start with a definition.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines the verb flourish as; “to grow, develop rapidly or to be thriving”.

Then, adding to this, Harvard defines it this way; “Flourishing is more than just being happy—although that's a part of it. But the idea of flourishing expands beyond happiness to look at a person's overall well-being, taking into account things like life satisfaction or someone's sense of purpose.”

For my purposes, I generally define flourishing as feeling good and functioning well.  Flourishing is about being the best version of yourself. 

So, with that in mind, what does it mean to flourish in our lives and careers? How do you know when it is your time to flourish?

A quick note;  Sadly, we can’t make someone else flourish, no matter how hard we try. However, as leaders, parents and role models, when we flourish, we set the scene for others to do the same. We can create an environment that allows and encourages someone to embrace all their skills and strengths, and thus flourish.

While each person’s journey is unique, I have found through my work with clients that there are certain steps anyone can take to flourish in both their career and personal life.

Here are some ideas for how to flourish.

How to Flourish

F = Find Your Why.

Connect to your greater purpose or your why. When you find your why, that is, your big reason for doing, or your statement of purpose that describes why you do the work you do, and align your actions towards it, you create a vision for your future. Take time to reflect on your values and what matters most to you.  Your vision is supported by knowing your values and priorities, which then help you make better decisions and stay focused on what truly matters. Once you are clear on your values and vision, you can work towards it. You flourish when you show up in the world and know the work you do is meaningful and purposeful. 

L = Love Yourself, Others and the Journey.

When working towards your big vision and purpose, you need to learn to love the activities required to move you forward; whether it’s your daily routine, a weekly habit or stretching yourself with personal and professional development. When you learn to love the steps along the way, you will flourish. 

As a person leading with your head and heart and guided by love, you care about everyone and work for the highest good for all people.  And you are aware no one flourishes alone. Building a support system of family, friends, mentors and colleagues is critical to flourishing in both life and career. Seek out individuals who share your values and can support you, and be that person for others. By focusing on reciprocal relationships, you provide support as well as receive, helping you flourish as a leader and role model. 

We can only flourish when we support others to do so, through collaborative efforts and working side-by-side to improve the well-being and welfare of all.

O = Own Your Journey and Embrace Optimism.

Recognise and acknowledge your journey and experiences to date. Whether it’s your career, your own business, or your family, these things have been created by your choices. Take responsibility for where you have come from and where you are going. 

Then, embrace an optimistic mindset by creating a plan. After all, to move towards your vision or a bigger goal takes work, but when you own the journey, and create a plan, you will get there. Planning is often seen as mundane, yet this is where embracing optimism comes in. When your plan includes the specific actions needed to support you move closer to your goals, reaching your goal or vision feels achievable. By breaking your goals down into smaller, more manageable steps and creating a timeline for each one, you will make it happen. In this way, you focus on what you can do, not what you can’t do. Flourish by seeing the possibilities!

U = Understanding.

Everybody’s journey is different. We all have different backgrounds, strengths, skills, and values. What looks like enough for each of us is also different. Bringing understanding to everything you do, and accepting, recognising and valuing differences in others is key to unlocking both your own potential and the potential of others. Part of understanding is acknowledging that we all have different needs for support, and these will vary according to the different seasons of our lives and during times of transition. When we show understanding, we support both ourselves and others to flourish.

R = Responsibility and Respect.

Similar to understanding, we all have different backgrounds and different journeys. By taking responsibility for who we are, and where we’ve come from, we empower ourselves. One way we can take responsibility is by setting clear goals for ourselves. A goal is simply a specific outcome you want to achieve or accomplish. The best goals are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound). For example, if your goal is to acquire a new skill, make sure you have a clear idea of what is needed, how you will measure your progress and by when you hope to accomplish it. 

In addition to taking responsibility for ourselves, we must respect others and their choices. We don’t always need to agree, but respectful disagreement ensures we all flourish. As well as respecting others, we must respect ourselves, our values and our strengths. When we take responsibility for our own actions and respect ourselves and others, we also role model to others that this is the way to flourish.

I = Inspiration and Insights.

Inspire others by sharing your insights and reflections, especially when you have learned something new, or have skills or experience that may benefit others.  A simple way to do this is when you are engaged in meetings or any activity with other people, expect to be needed, expect to need others and expect to be changed; this is key to a mindset that will support both yourself and others to flourish.

To flourish, then, you need to be prepared to grow. A growth mindset, that is, the belief your abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work, dedication and perseverance, is key to flourishing in your career and life. Individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to take on challenges, learn from failure and ultimately, experience greater success in their chosen area. You can embrace a growth mindset by viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and focusing on the process of learning rather than simply looking for the outcome.

S = Strengths; Embrace and Develop them.

By embracing and developing your strengths, it can help counterbalance the ingrained deficit approach we all have in our own minds. For example, we are all quick to notice negative comments and focus on mistakes - either our own or others. Our culture measures weaknesses or gaps. Focusing on strengths helps us look for what is special in each person. and take a more positive view of opportunities and potential. 

Strengths are fulfilling, that is, each strength is fulfilling in its own right, and they are trait-like, in that you can express them at work, at home and in your community. Your strengths are part of who you are and part of your identity.

Research has found that when people use their strengths each day (in their work and life), they report not just higher levels of self-confidence and self-belief, but also lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression. And those who use their strengths each day are up to eighteen (18) times more likely to be flourishing.

H = Health, Hope and Have fun!

Looking after your health and filling your own cup is a major part of flourishing. If you don’t look after yourself, you can’t flourish, or support others to do so. This means taking care of your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health. This is where your parents were right; getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly are all non-negotiables for good health and flourishing. And this includes making time to relax and recharge. Take the time to care for yourself and show yourself some kindness, just like you would show those you love.

When you see the best in people, trust them, and hope it will turn out for the best, you support them to flourish. Remember to have fun along the way by engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfilment. A flourishing life is a balanced life, and those who know and embrace a more playful approach are far more likely to flourish! 

In this way, flourishing in your life and career requires intentional action and commitment. Commitment to your values and vision, and to personal growth. A plan, clear goals, and embracing a growth mindset are a great place to start. Exploring and embracing your strengths and practising self-care then supports you in achieving further success and fulfilment in your career and life. 

Just as the definitions at the top of this article shared, flourishing encompasses more than just one aspect of life or even overall well-being and instead takes into account things like life satisfaction and a sense of purpose. Thus, the journey to flourishing is just that, a journey. It is ongoing and requires consistent effort, occasional readjustment and continued focus and dedication. 

Keen to Flourish?

Working through the suggestions provided here can be a great place to start, but sometimes we need a more tailored, custom approach. And that’s where working with a coach (that’s me!) comes in. With one-on-one individual support, coaching can make all the difference when you are either thinking about or experiencing a time of change or wanting to feel clear and confident in your career, business, and life.

A confidence package, which includes 6 individual coaching sessions, starts with a complimentary consult where together, we can determine if coaching with me is right for you. Get started today – simply book your call.


Rowena Mabbott

Rowena Mabbott is a Career and Life Confidence Coach, podcast host, writer, and author.

She is also the mother of three boys—two living and one angel. The loss of her son inspired her to follow her heart and leave her corporate HR role to become a coach working with women. She believes that you are already whole and don’t need fixing. After working with Rowena, you’ll embrace your unique strengths and step into your authentic self, creating a life filled with purpose and intention.

Her clients emerge with crystal-clear goals, the confidence to pursue their dreams, and the tools to transform their lives.

Rowena writes a monthly coaching article and contemporary fiction that explores the joy and complexities of romantic, filial, and platonic relationships.