Could your weaknesses really be strengths?

Could your weaknesses really be strengths?

Understanding how your perceived weaknesses could actually be overplayed strengths is crucial for personal and career development. In this article, I share real-life examples of character strengths, such as curiosity and appreciation of beauty and excellence, shedding light on how overplaying these strengths can impact your daily life.

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How Focusing on Your Strengths Can Lead to Career Fulfilment

How Focusing on Your Strengths Can Lead to Career Fulfilment

Identifying and embracing your strengths is key to feeling fulfilled and satisfied in work and life. This article shares different ways to identify one's strengths and two case studies of career coaching clients who have done so, resulting in greater career fulfilment, satisfaction and confidence.

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Love Your Life: Reconnect With What Brings You Joy

Love Your Life: Reconnect With What Brings You Joy

Many of us go through life rarely thinking about what brings us joy. However, identifying activities that bring joy and setting inspiring goals around them can significantly impact how happy we are and help us love our lives. This article provides six practical tips for reconnecting with what brings you joy so you can love your life!

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The Power of Clarity: Achieving Your Goals with Purpose and Vision

The Power of Clarity: Achieving Your Goals with Purpose and Vision

To achieve your goals, you need clarity. This article explores essential elements like vision, values, strengths, and purpose and how they combine to improve clarity. With the power of clarity, you gain a sense of direction and purpose, making it easier to achieve your goals.

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Career Change: Evolution or Revolution. Which is right for you?

Career Change: Evolution or Revolution. Which is right for you?

Some individuals intentionally seek a career change, while others experience a natural progression in their career. One is a revolution, the other an evolution. This article provides guidance to help distinguish between the two and shares indicators of which might be right for you.

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The Future of Leadership; Leading with Head and Heart

The Future of Leadership; Leading with Head and Heart

The future of leadership is people who can lead with both their heads and their hearts. Here I explore 12 ways you can be a truly great leader, with 6 areas where leading with your head might be best, and 6 areas where leading with your heart is most effective.

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