Simplifying Life in Busy Seasons: Four Tips for Increased Calm, Clarity and Confidence

Simplifying Life in Busy Seasons: Four Tips for Increased Calm, Clarity and Confidence

Life is rarely simple; it's often filled with busy and overwhelming seasons. This is when simplifying your life becomes important. In this article, I share four practical tips for increased calm, clarity, and confidence: remember to connect with what matters, review your schedule and commitments, remove distractions, and reconnect with joy.

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Curate, cultivate, and create; my intentional approach for increased clarity and confidence

Curate, cultivate, and create; my intentional approach for increased clarity and confidence

We all want to feel clear about what we are doing and why and have the confidence to make it happen. There are two phrases that keep me focused and intentional in my actions. This article explores what the phrases mean, and how they can benefit YOU in your career and life, including sharing ideas and opportunities to apply the approaches in your career and life for increased clarity and confidence.

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Improve your confidence: be intentional with time

Improve your confidence: be intentional with time

Being intentional about how we use our time is a vital step when we want to simplify our life and live aligned with our values. We experience greater meaning and purpose, and improved confidence. Here I share an approach to support you be intentional with how you use time, which leads to greater confidence.

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The Transformative Power of Space

The Transformative Power of Space

With increased physical and mental space comes time freedom and opportunity. Supporting you to be intentional, have a greater sense of purpose and meaning, and contributing to a fulfilling career and happy life. In this article, I share how you can gain more space, both physical and mental, and the transformation you’ll enjoy.

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5 early signs you are about to change your life

5 early signs you are about to change your life

Many of my clients are surprised at how quickly they move from feeling fine to needing a change. But how can we tell when we are ready to make a life-altering change? Here are five early signs you might be about to make some significant changes in your life.

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A key step for clarity; determine what enough means for you

A key step for clarity; determine what enough means for you

A key part of gaining clarity in our career or business and life starts with determining what is enough. What is enough for us, in our career or business, and in our life? In this article, I share three actions to help you get clear on your enough, and how that will support you to feel more confident in your career or business and life.

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