How to change your perspective and transform your life

How to change your perspective and transform your life

Changing our thoughts and perspectives can improve our life experiences. This article offers valuable insights for anyone looking to transform their mindset and approach to life. Included are two key questions that can help shift our perspective and practical suggestions for when we've had enough of thinking.

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How to Flourish; Tips for Your Career and Life

How to Flourish; Tips for Your Career and Life

Flourishing encompasses more than just one aspect of life or well-being and instead takes into account things like life satisfaction and a sense of purpose. In this article, I share ideas for how you can flourish in your career and life.

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Curate, cultivate, and create; my intentional approach for increased clarity and confidence

Curate, cultivate, and create; my intentional approach for increased clarity and confidence

We all want to feel clear about what we are doing and why and have the confidence to make it happen. There are two phrases that keep me focused and intentional in my actions. This article explores what the phrases mean, and how they can benefit YOU in your career and life, including sharing ideas and opportunities to apply the approaches in your career and life for increased clarity and confidence.

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Courage and Confidence; 10 Ways to Tap into Your Bravery

Courage and Confidence; 10 Ways to Tap into Your Bravery

Courage and confidence often go hand-in-hand.  But which one comes first? Many would argue that confidence is required in order to be brave. Yet research consistently shows that being brave boosts our confidence, not the other way around.  This article shares 10 ways you can tap into your bravery, leading to greater courage and confidence.

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The Future of Leadership; Leading with Head and Heart

The Future of Leadership; Leading with Head and Heart

The future of leadership is people who can lead with both their heads and their hearts. Here I explore 12 ways you can be a truly great leader, with 6 areas where leading with your head might be best, and 6 areas where leading with your heart is most effective.

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