Hold Onto Your Dreams; They Are Essential For Confidence

Hold Onto Your Dreams; They Are Essential For Confidence

As adults, we often set aside our dreams as childish, focusing instead on more mundane everyday tasks. We believe we need to be more confident to pursue our hopes and big goals. Instead, hold onto your dreams and actively work towards them, as dreams are essential for confidence.

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How to be confident; start with ABC

How to be confident; start with ABC

When you feel confident everything becomes easier, whether it’s in your career, business or life. In this article, I explore how you can increase your confidence today by taking an ABC approach. With insights and practical action steps, you'll be feeling more confident in no time!

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The Transformative Power of Space

The Transformative Power of Space

With increased physical and mental space comes time freedom and opportunity. Supporting you to be intentional, have a greater sense of purpose and meaning, and contributing to a fulfilling career and happy life. In this article, I share how you can gain more space, both physical and mental, and the transformation you’ll enjoy.

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10 life lessons I wish I’d learned in my 20s 

10 life lessons I wish I’d learned in my 20s 

Realising in less than ten years both my boys will be in their twenties found me reflecting on the life lessons I wish I’d known when I was that age. Here I share the ten lessons I wish I’d learned earlier, so you can benefit from my experiences.

As my mind wandered, I found myself daydreaming about what it would be like to return to my 20s but knowing everything I know now.

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Be paid to be you: embrace your strengths

Be paid to be you: embrace your strengths

To be paid for being ourselves is the dream for most people. And the best way to do this is by embracing our unique strengths and skills, so we can present as our full selves both in our career or work AND in our life.

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5 early signs you are about to change your life

5 early signs you are about to change your life

Many of my clients are surprised at how quickly they move from feeling fine to needing a change. But how can we tell when we are ready to make a life-altering change? Here are five early signs you might be about to make some significant changes in your life.

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